Paul needs to replace the siding on his house. The vinyl is starting to crack and looks faded. He decides to get the least expensive vinyl siding on the market to replace the siding that is currently on the house.
Ten years later….
Paul notices that his siding is looking pretty bad and decides to replace it again. He chooses a little better vinyl siding this time as he is a little older and a little wiser. He hopes this is the last time he has to replace it.
Fifteen years later….
Even though Paul got a higher priced vinyl siding it is looking very aged and even has a spot where a baseball hit it and it broke. It is an eyesore after all these years of abuse from the elements and harsh summers. He decides this time just to use the cheaper vinyl and figures on having the hassle of replacing it about every ten years.
Is there a better option for Paul? What if he decided on Seamless Steel siding the first time?
Paul needs to replace the siding on his house. The vinyl is starting to crack and looks faded. He decides to get seamless steel siding to replace the siding that is currently on the house. He has been researching his options and sees that the steel siding will pretty much last his whole life and probably the kids and grandkids, too. He is looking forward to never having to repaint or replace this siding.
Ten years later….
Paul notices that his siding is looking beautiful and he doesn’t need to do anything with it. He is glad that he invested in steel siding and knows it was the best choice for him. He is amazed that it still looks as good as the day it was installed.
Fifteen years later….
As Paul surveys his beautiful house he remember the time when a baseball hit it and it didn’t even dent. It is still gorgeous even after all these years of abuse from the elements and harsh summers. He decides to use the money he knows he would have spent replacing vinyl siding on a vacation to Hawaii. He thinks to himself, “Thanks for the trip to Hawaii, steel siding.”